Michael and Iro Petkof
Serving in Greece
After being bullied as a teen in youth group and losing his 16-year-old high school friend to suicide, Michael felt God's calling on him to reach out to the lost young people of Greece. He has a heart to help those going through difficult times, that need someone to talk to, and find meaning in life, by leading them to Christ. In 2013, Michael attended the Greek Bible College in Athens, Greece and started serving in a local Greek Evangelical church. The pastor of the church asked him to co-lead their Church Youth Center outreach. He did this for four years. It was called Sfina. In 2018, Michael joined Operation Mobilization as a missionary with a heart for youth work. He has since returned to Thessaloniki and now co-leads the first youth center, called Spark.
Iro and Michael were married on the 4th of June 2023. Iro served in Athens with the youth of her church and led the worship time for many years. She is now finishing her ethnomusicology degree, and has a heart for the Gypsy kids and teens. In February of 2025 she officially started as a part-time missionary worker with CEF of Greece. She teaches and serves the Gypsy children and teens alongside her father-in-law, Mike Petkof.
Michael and Iro have served young people through multiple ministries using one-on-one discipleship. They have been camp helpers, counselors, and now leaders of the CEF Teen camp in Thessaloniki. Iro and Michael have a heart for those that are lonely or hurting and try to show God's love through their words, actions, and especially through hospitality. They also show God's love by sharing His word, and trying to be there for those young people that feel lost and lonely. If only one teen chooses not to commit suicide but rather to accept Christ and live for Him, it will have been worth it all.
Please pray with Michael and Iro:
That the young people in Greece will start to seek God again.
For more opportunities to talk to young people looking for God.
For God to continue to guide our hearts, minds and plans however He wants.
For more young people to start sharing their faith with those around them.
For more young people to be called into ministry and for there to be ways for them to be supported.
For a continued strong prayer and financial support team.
For news and contact information: You can connect with them through Facebook: Michael Petkof and Iro Ralli or through email: mikepetkof1994@gmail.com