Verse of the Week
“Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.”
Romans 7:4
Sunday, March 9, 2025
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School Classes for All Ages
Littles’ Class - Pre K - K (Children’s Room)
Children - Grades 1-5 (Lower Level)
Youth Group - Jr. Sr. High (Lower Level)
Adult Bible Studies: Combined Adult Class (Library), Men’s Class (Fellowship Hall), and Ladies’ Class (Multi-Purpose Room). The Ladies’ Class is also available on Google Meet.
Worship Service Livestream
Pastor Mak will be continuing his series in Romans. He will be preaching on “Bearing Fruit for God” Romans 7:1-6. The Service, including the music, will be live streamed, but we encourage you to enhance your worship by listening to and singing along with these comforting songs ahead of time.
Thursday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. - White Cross Workshop
Friday, March 7 at 1:30 p.m. - Women’s Revelation Bible Study
Fri-Sat, Mar 7-8 - Women’s Contend Conference at Cornerstone Baptist
Saturday, March 8 at 8:00 a.m. - Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study
Sunday, March 9 - Daylights Savings Time
Friday, March 14 at 6:30 p.m. - NAB Opening & Dinner at Hope Community Baptist Church *Tickets no longer available for dinner - Opening Service begins at 7:30
Saturday, March 15 at 12:00 p.m. - NAB Open House at Crosspointe Christian Church
Sunday, March 16 at 9:30 a.m. - Combined Sunday School with Harry & Eileen Bettig, missionaries with TransWorld Radio
Sunday, March 16 at 6:00 p.m. - NAB Closing Service here at The Cross
Pray …
That as God through the Holy Spirit works in us to grow us in holiness, we will bear much spiritual fruit for His glory (Romans 7:4).
For the upcoming NAB Missions Conference. Pray for safe travels for the missionaries who are coming. Pray that we will be encouraged as we hear from them what Christ is doing around the world for the renown of His name. Pray that we also will be an encouragement to them in their missionary work.
Hope Community Baptist Church (Sterling Heights) to continue in faithfulness to the Word.
Barnabas Ministries - Michigan - as they serve the advance of the gospel.
2025 Bible Challenge
Pastor Mak would like to challenge the The Cross family to read through the Bible in the new year. There are two reading plans available in the foyer:
1. The Essential 100 Challenge. Read through 100 essential passages of the most important book in the world, the Bible. (You can download the YouVersion app to your phone or tablet for this reading plan.)
2. The Whole Bible Challenge. Read through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
Serving God
There are many areas of service within our church, and workers are always needed. Some duties and activities are on a rotating schedule, others are needed on a regular basis. But all of them are vital to our faith family and God’s work at The Cross. Please prayerfully consider how you can serve the Lord this year.
Prayer Requests
- Keith S.
- Beth S.
Ralph L. Dixie S.
Elmo N. Donna W.