Randy Schmor

Serving NAB Gateway Teams


Probably the most fundamental understanding that the Global Church needs to recognize in the 21st century is her own identity as a worldwide body, bride and family (see the book of Ephesians) before she can function as an agent of mission towards God’s Kingdom objectives. In light of this, Gateway seeks to help local churches world-wide to understand their identity and to subsequently partner with one another as an expression of global family. Churches often already have a desire to serve and to be connected cross-culturally and globally, and many are already doing so, but without a full understanding of why and/or what their role is. Gateway provides a sequential and purposeful way of beginning, entering and maintaining meaningful relationships (Sister Church Partnerships) as this global family.

Gateway also recognizes there are many churches that would like to serve and get involved globally/cross-culturally but need help getting started. Gateway provides resources (training, equipping, software, tools) that help churches serve cross-culturally and internationally with excellence. Gateway also provides experience and networking, even in the form of actually leading and training teams/individuals from churches as they serve for the first time. 

As Gateway Director, Randy Schmor personally supports, coaches and works with churches as they begin to explore long-term global partnerships in general and Sister Church Partnerships in particular.

Randy has led and trained short-term mission teams and has guided churches into long-term, Sister Church Partnerships for over two decades. He is on the board of MissionWorks (and their subsidiary MissionExcellence),  loves hockey and cheers for the Green Bay Packers.

Randy has also just taken on the role as NAB Field Director in Hungary and Serbia as of January 2024.

Please pray for Randy as he trains and connects with many pastors and leaders and as he maintains friendships and connections with the many international ministry leaders on 5 continents. 

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