Mike and Linda Petkof

Serving in Greece

In 1992, Mike and Linda were accepted as missionary candidates to serve in the country of Greece.  Two internships later and a couple years of prayer and raising support they arrived in Greece in January of 1998.  They have been serving in and around Thessaloniki for over 26 years.  In the beginning, Greece was the mission field that the Lord called them to but now it has become their home.

The first years were the building blocks.  They started with language study, birthday party Bible clubs for their boys, and a Good News Club for the missionary children.  They also helped build up the CEF of Greece camp facilities in the village of Filyro.  Mike also seeks out and ministers to the poor Gypsy children who need to know the hope that can only be found through the knowledge of the Word of God and a relationship with Jesus Christ.  He and others minister to 12 different Gypsy groups on a monthly or weekly basis.


Please pray with them:

  • That the hearts of the Greeks will become open to the love of Christ.

  • For continued open doors in ministering to the Gypsy children.

  • For new Gypsy churches to be planted so that the children we minister to will have somewhere to attend.

  • For God's guiding hand on the lives of our boys Michael, Peter, and Alex.

  • For new workers to reach the two million children in Greece.

  • For a continued strong prayer and financial support team.

For news and contact information:

     E-mail: mike.petkof@gmail.com