The Kellar Family

Serving in Iceland

Ministry commitment: as God allows and leads, we are prepared to give our lives in ministry and service in Iceland.

Long-Term Ministry Goals #1: Language & Culture The Icelandic language is a very important part of the culture. It will be imperative for us to learn the language through the degree program at the University of Iceland as well as form sustained personal relationships with both the Icelanders and with other foreign immigrants who call Iceland home. We will also be covenanting together as faithful members of Loftstofan and will pour into the church's ministries as the Lord leads.

#2: Leadership & Training As we continue to invest in the church, our desire is to increase our ability to serve and lead in partnership with the other members of Loftstofan. As we continue to develop our lingustic and cultural skills, we will also focus on deepening our involvement in the church and continuing to build relationships within our community. Our aim will be to help strengthen the local church and extend our gospel witness among those who have never heard.

#3: Launch & Plant Should the Lord open the door, we hope to either be a part of or be a support to a core team of members who will launch out from Loftstofan to plant a new local congregation in a targeted location of need. Believers in Iceland long to see a strong network of healthy, biblical churches thriving in communities all around the nation. Ultimately, we are eager to serve the body of Christ in pursuit of that vision in any way God leads.